Water withdrawal (m3)
Energy consumption (kWh)
CO2 emissions (T)
NOX emissions (T)
Consumption of chemical products (T)
Number of collaborators
Number of collaborators (temporary)
Turnover rate (%)
Employees who left compared to the total in a given time period.
Severity Index
Number of days lost due to accidents every 1,000 days.
Lost Time Incident Rate (LTIR)
The LTIR index measures the number of incidents that occur per 1 million hours worked
The indicators presented here are updated quarterly and represent an up-to-date subset of the indicators in the annual CSR report. Please notice that the data is usually published about one month after the end of the quarter.
While we collect data thoroughly and on a regular basis, the quarterly data presented here can be subject to adjustments once consolidated conclusively at the end of the year. For the complete set of indicators and further details regarding the data presented in this page, please refer to the annual CSR report.